Aimeos 2023.04 has been released – Upgrade your ecommerce store!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
Aimeos 2023.04

Aimeos is an efficient and a popular ecommerce framework. Unlike some other platforms, it is not a monolithic application. Rather, you can choose among myriad user frontends and customize them as per your business needs.

It is perfect for medium to large-size organizations that are looking for seamless integration into their existing systems (CMS, CRM, etc.). Moreover, Aimeos is apt for portals and marketplaces due to its several specific features for marketplaces.

A new stable version of this outstanding platform was released on April 13, 2023, which is Aimeos 2023.04. This article contains details of all new features and requirements that are associated with the Aimeos first stable release of this year.

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Key technical requirements to use Aimeos 2023.04

  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Composer-runtime-api > 2.1
  • Guzzlehttp / Guzzle > 7.2
  • Laravel packages Breeze > 1.20+, Sanctum > 3.2, Tinker > 2.8, Pint > 1.0, and Sail > 1.18.
  • MySQL >= 5.7.8, MariaDB >= 10.2.2, Postgre SQL > 9.6+, SQL Server 2019+.
  • Web Server Apache, Nginx, or integrated PHP web server for testing.

If certain PHP extensions are missing, Composer will let you know about the missing dependencies.

安装Aimeos 2023.04

安装Aimeos 2023.04、作曲家2.1+ is needed. Execute below mentioned command on the CLI for complete installation –

wget -O作曲家

php composer create-project aimeos/aimeos-headless headless

创建管理帐户, it needs to give your database parameters and mail server details with email and password. These are a few basic requirements that you will be asked to move further.

安装完成后, test the new Aimeos installation by using an integrated PHP web server. Use the following command to start the web server –

cd headless


Whereas in the hosting environment, the virtual host document root must point to the /…/无头/公共/目录 and it needs to change the APP_URL setting in .end file to domain without port such as APP_URL =


When the installation process is complete, testing of Aimeos JSON REST API can be done by calling the URL of VHost in the browser. Browse the below-mentioned URL, if using an integrated PHP web server, / jsonapi

For a long now, Aimeos has front-end JSON API, which follows the guidelines of JSON API assures view and order products using mobile apps or creates JavaScript applications to access any Aimeos-based online stores without hampering its experience.

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To authenticate the new installation of Aimeos 2023.04 using email and password, it needs to send a POST request -

curl -X POST " / api /登录?电子邮件= me@localhost&password=test"

The API will return a response if the authentication is successful -

{:“access_token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV...","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":3600}

Use the below access token in every further request as an HTTP header -

curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV..."


The Aimeos admin interface will be available at /admin in VHost. 调用URL if using an integrated PHP web server.


To use cloud storage such as AWS S3 compatible object storages, adapt the resource sections in the ./config/shop.PHP文件并配置文件系统:

'fs' => [
  'adapter' => 'FlyAwsS3',
  'credentials' => [
    'key' => 'your-key',
    'secret' => 'your-secret',
  'region' => 'your-region',
  'version' => 'latest|api-version',
  'bucket' => 'your-bucket-name',
  'prefix' => 'your-prefix', // optional

对于Azure Blob存储使用:

'fs' => [
  'adapter' => 'FlyAzure',
  'endpoint' => 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=your-account;AccountKey=your-api-key',
  'container' => 'your-container',
  'prefix' => 'your-prefix', // optional


'fs' => [
  'adapter' => 'FlyGoogleCloud',
  'keyFile' => json_decode(file_get_contents('/path/to/keyfile.Json '), true), //可选
  'keyFilePath' => '/path/to/keyfile.Json ', //替代
  'projectId' => 'myProject', // alternative
  'prefix' => 'your-prefix' // optional


Aimeos is an extremely flexible and highly customizable framework, 最新的稳定版本是2023.04版增加了更多内容. Aimeos with Laravel makes an amazing combination for headless ecommerce solution.

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所有新的变化,Aimeos 2023.04 ship along!

1. Checkout Flow

  • Separate checkout confirmed routes for headless distribution.

2. Cache

  • Browsers have the liberty to cache the CSS/JS files for the admin backend.

3. 额外的包

  • Improved docs for compatibility with Laravel Breeze 1.20+.
  • Added hint for Laravel Breeze /profile route.
  • 简化的封装结构
  • 并且支持Laravel 10.x.

4. AI and other

  • 修复了OpenAI和DeepL的CSP
  • 改进的可访问性
  • 在非调试模式下开启CSP.

5. 无头分布

Ecommerce headless distribution of Aimeos 2023.04提出了-

  • 它支持Laravel 10.
  • 合并订单和订单基础数据.
  • 支持远程文件导入.
  • And Kubernetes/Serverless (AWS, Google, Azure) support.

6. 电子商务核心库

Aimeos 2023.04, which is the first stable release of 2023 has some important inclusion such as

  • 它支持云原生Yugabyte数据库
  • PHPUnit 10支持

Wrapping up

Aimeos 2023.04 certainly has some useful enhancements that will help to scale ecommerce store. And this is the first stable release of the year, thus, the changes are going to remain for some time now. 如果你还没有更新, don’t wait for more and update your ecommerce store with the latest version.

As an official international ecommerce expert partners of Aimeos,我们提供全面的 Aimeos电子商务开发服务 包括设计, developing, customizing, 管理内容, upgrading, migrating, creating multi-channel multi-vendor marketplaces, providing multi-tenant SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions, 提供维护和支持. 我们的专家团队 Laravel开发者 is skilled in handling multidisciplinary and multi-technology projects of any scale. If you have any requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. Share all your requirements by filling out the following request a quote form or sending an email to (电子邮件保护).